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The Alchemy of Disabilities through Motion Graphics.

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NOISE raises awareness of noise pollution and people who suffer from ear disabilities. There is a nuance of noise in this world if you stop and listen. Certain noises can bring pain and neuro disruption to the sensitive including but not limited to uncontrollable anxiety, frustration, shame, guilt, OCD, immune-suppressing, relationship strain, isolation, and living in fear. The intention of the project portrays a metaphor for these experiences along with hidden symbolism relating to my personal story of having ear disabilities.


Misophonia is a neurological disorder and triggers can be auditory or visual. An instant fight or flight response occurs from the limbic and autonomic nervous systems. This disability is linked to autism, HSP, and OCD. Hyperacusis is a physical disorder where everyday noises are experienced at a higher volume level. Functioning in a normal environment where one is exposed to potential triggers can be extremely difficult as well as traumatic to the sensitive. Audio is 741 Hz, the frequency that removes toxins and provides mental clarity, heightening intuition and balancing the Throat Chakra (Chakra of Truth). When one represses their emotions, their voice becomes repressed as well. 

There is not enough quality research and supporting communities out there. Roughly 20% of the people around the world silently suffer from these. Through a study of over 10,000 Misophonia patients around the world who worked with Jaelline Jaffe, PhD, ranging from all ages, genders, and races -- they found four things in common with all of them. All experienced a traumatizing childhood, are vastly creative, sensitive to other people's emotions, and perfectionists.


I was diagnosed with Misophonia and Hyperacusis at 11. From school-day panic attacks to division in relationships from misunderstandings, I defaulted to isolation to feel safe and avoid conflict. "No cure" may be true at the moment, but found healing and maintaining a regulated nervous system will greatly reduce the reactive tendencies to triggers along with some beloved, noise-canceling headphones. Another great article on Misophonia here.

On the flip side, I can hear really well. Music zings through my veins. Strange enough, a few months after completing this project, I actually ruptured my ear drum from a car combustion. Having already small, sensitive ear canals, I lost hearing in one ear for a few months. Since it's healed, my psychic abilities have improved vastly. Strange huh? It makes me wonder about the power of focusing on balancing the ear chakras as much as we do with the main 7 chakras.

Ponder this: creativity flows where there is no noise but is created from, noise itself. 


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